Movie Critiques Of Some Exceptional Films That You Can Watch Today

By Jennifer Mccray

Downloading films can be fun and acquiring a large range of shows at your fingertips is even more fun. The truth that you have bought an iPod is almost certainly burning at you and now you are ready to start downloading videos; however, you don't know what movies to download, well choose from below.

Dracula - Dark retelling of the Bram Stoker classic, with Langella's esteemed Broadway depiction lost among trendy terror gimmicks and ill-imagined modifications in the original tale. The movie was filmed in England. Cast includes Frank Langella, Laurence Olivier, Donald Pleasence, Kate Nelligan, Trevor Eve, Janine Duvitski, and Tony Haygarth. (109 minutes,'79)

Macabre - Odd goings on in smaIl town where a doctor's youthful daughter bafflingly disappears and a unnamed phone caller declares that the kid has been buried alive. Cast includes William Prince, Jim Backus, Christine White, and Jacqueline Scott. (73 minutes,'58)

Soup for One - Infrequently triumphing although choppy presentation of lone New Yorker Rubinek looking for his fantasy gal. Cast includes Saul Rubinek, Marcia Strassman, Gerrit Graham, Teddy Pendergrass, Richard Libertini, Andrea Martin, and Lewis J. Stadlen. (87 minutes,'82)

Slattery's Hurricane - Weather reporter Widmark, in midst of storm, looks back on his life. Damell and Pool are the two ladies he has loved. Cast includes Richard Widmark, Linda Damell, Veronica Pool, John Russell, and Gary Merrill. (83 minutes,'49)

MGM's The Big Parade of Comedy - Fifty of the best megastars of all time appear in this collection, however too concisely. Cast includes Laurel and Hardy, Keaton, Gable, Robert BencWey, Jean Harlow, and Malion Davies, (90 minutes,'64)

Like Water for Chocolate - Striking and sensuous film from a book by Laura Esquivel set in the early part of the 20th century - a youthful woman's life is conditioned by her somber and steadfast mom, who treats her terribly. Opulent story, not without humor, with an exceptional cast and a top of the line performance from lead actress Cavazos. Cast includes Lumi Cavazos, Marco Leonardi, Regina Tome, Mario Ivan Martinez, and Ada Carrasco. (113 minutes,'92)

The Music of Chance - A thriller in regards to telekinetic, suicidal Ivanek, powerless to command his powers, who moves his bad dreams to shrink Harrold and causes commotion in a clinic. Cast includes James Spader, Mandy Patinkin, M. Emmett Walsh, Charles Durning. - 33386

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